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Avital Ash Workshops Her Suicide Note

“[F]antastic sense of dark humour… [B]eautiful seeing someone be so honest onstage… Heartbreaking yet funny… I am content to live my life watching shows like Ash’s that challenge the line between storytelling and comedy, making for a fascinating hour.”

Avital Ash Workshops Her Suicide Note

"This show beautifully fuses tragedy and comedy as an example of how to be genuinely brave onstage."

Avital Ash Workshops Her Suicide Note

"Exceptionally funny... Strikes a deft balance between the blackest humour and pathos... A thoughtful, even wry storyteller… Highly impactful, a calling card for Ash's glowing talent.”

Avital Ash Workshops Her Suicide Note

Takes the rawest subject-matter and brings to it an unsentimental eye for a razor-sharp joke... One second she’s light, the next dark, keeping you on the edge of your seat, wriggling as to how to respond, and generally in awe."

Avital Ash Workshops Her Suicide Note

"In her brutally frank Edinburgh debut, Avital Ash confesses she’s dogged by abject feelings of hating herself. Yet it’s hard to envisage anyone emerging from this profoundly affecting hour with anything but admiration for a smart, poetic, witty woman able to convert harrowing first-hand experiences into a show that's both heart-rending and funny, albeit bleakly so."

Avital Ash Workshops Her Suicide Note

“A revelation and a reckoning… A transformational odyssey… Barbed wit & pure vulnerability.”

Avital Ash Workshops Her Suicide Note

Powerful debut... So engaging and charming, even when the material feels darkest.

Comedian Avital Ash Talks The “Weird Nostalgia” Of Her Pandemic-Era Web Series ‘Antisocial Distance’

"As widespread vaccinations begin to signal the beginning of the end for the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, what happens to Zoom? The virtual meeting platform (and others like it) has sustained the continuity of business, education, journalism, entertainment, and more for over a year now, but as we finally get the go-ahead to unmask and gather in greater numbers once again, is the age of omnipresent digital communication also coming to a close?"

Abortion Anthology ‘Give Me An A’ Among Brooklyn Horror Film Festival Jury Prize Winners

"The Gold Audience Award went to Give Me An A directors Natasha Halevi, Meg Swertlow, Bonnie Discepolo, Danin Jacquay, Annie Bond, Sarah Kopkin, Monica Moore-Suryiage, Caitlin Hargraves, Megan Rosati, Hannah Alline, Avital Ash, Mary C. Russell, Valerie Finkel, Kelly Nygaard, Loren Escandon and Francesca Maldonado."
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